Youth Senate Kenya (YSK) is a is an independent, non-partisan development and advocacy youth serving organization working towards a just, equitable and progressive society where young people fully enjoy their economic, social and political rights and opportunities. Founded in 2014 YSK was created specifically to spearhead a Youth Led Development model in Kenya with a mandate to enrich a democratic dialogue and ensure youth engagement in national and regional affairs. We working on a youth leadership programme across the 47 Counties with the support of County Youth Senators with the aim to promote value-driven leadership for democratic governance. We have formed both a national and regional network of youth action partners whom we work with to advance a youth-led approach towards development.

Our main thematic areas include but are not limited to; Democracy, Political leadership and Governance, Youth Economic Empowerment, Gender Mainstreaming, Human rights Advocacy, Peace and Security, Civic education and awareness as well as monitoring of public sector reforms targeting the youth.
YSK provides Kenyan youth with a mechanism to directly engage Kenya’s National Assembly in the law making process through the relevant parliamentary departmental committees and the Kenya Young Parliamentarians Association (KYPA). YSK also works with other non-state actors convened under the Parliamentary Initiatives Network (PIN) to promote the formulation of citizen-friendly laws by parliament. YSK serves as the prime informant on youth issues in the network.
In Kenya, the Youth Senate has a presence in the 47 Counties with our County Youth Senators who work closely with the County Governments and County Assemblies in mainstreaming the youth agenda by influencing policies and proposing permanent legal and institutional structures in that regard. We work to ensure the youth in Kenya voice is heard and contributes to the National development agenda.
Our Vision
A Youth Nation with an Empowered Youth Population
Our Mission
We exist to harness the productive energies of youth towards democratic governance across communities in Kenya.